En cours de traduction, merci de votre comprehension




      ELVA-1 solid-state noise source ISSN series delivers

a uniform level of noise power spectral density within the

whole waveguide frequency range. Sources are available in

eight waveguide bands covering 26.4-170 GHz (so called

Ka; Q; U; V; E; W; F; D bands). The noise sources, which

use silicon IMPATT diode as a base block, are compatible

with many branded noisemeters on the market, for example

HP 8970 or Ranatec Noise Figure Meter 7100. The supply

voltage for Noise Sources is 28VDC with the current

consumption of 60mA that ensure thecompatibility with

widely used noisemeters from third companies.

This level of 60mA current consumption is true for all Noise

Source models below 75GHz. For upper frequencies an

external power supply (that come as shipment option)

should be used and +28VDC input should be attached to

noise meter as usual. In this case it will be used for triggering

(on/off switchingof noise source).

The typical value of ENR is 15dB with a typical flatness of

1.5dB. All Noise Sources of ISSN series are shipped with

Calibration assports. High stability of the sources allows

them to be used for test and instrumentation applications

in replace of commonly used gas-tube noise sources.

The additional advantage of silicon technology is low DC

power requirements. This eliminates the need for complex

high voltage supplies. There are two operation modes:

CW mode and pulsed AM mode with modulation frequency

up to 1 kHz.


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Notre gamme de composants dans les domaines :

RF, Hyperfréquence, TETRA, millimètrique et submillimétrique.


  • Coupleurs,
  • Diviseurs,
  • Filtres,
  • Connecteurs,
  • Atténuateurs,
  • adaptateurs,
  • DC block,
  • Bias Tee
  • Charges
  • .....

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